--Alan -- Nega Hell 3: The Search for Kotori (The End!) ################################################### MSTing: Search for Kotori, ch. 3 A Pokemon/X (X-1999) crossover An alternate-universe NASM MSTing MST treatment by Alan Original by agent56 ################################################### Nephlite entered the throne room that morning with a frown plastered all over his face. The other three generals looked up from their game of bridge, and simultaneously said, "Uh-oh." "Scoot, scoot, get out of my way," Nephlite told them. He sat down, in between Zoisite and Malachite, at the table. A moment passed in which no-one spoke. Still scowling, Nephlite then asked, "By the way, how were you playing bridge with three people?" With that, Malachite sat back in his chair and laughed. "Easy," he said, "Our dear, dear friend Jadeite has been blessed with two separate personalities." Jadeite's body twitched. He shouted, "No, we don't!" "But enough of that," Malachite continued, "What's with you today?" He turned his gaze to Nephlite, whose arms were pressed against his chest. The stargazer grunted. He said, "Let's just say that... bad things are happening in the anime community." This provoked Zoisite to scratch her head. "Why should that concern you?" she asked, "We *are* bad." "Not like that," Nephlite slowly replied, "No, rather... things are going on that make dedicated fans such as I a bit angry." He proceeded to pout. The other three glanced in each other's directions. This was a new one to them. "That was one big, convoluted sentence," Zoisite said quietly. "Uh-huh. Sounds like things are about to get decidedly unpleasant," Malachite whispered. Jadeite whispered back to him, "This is why I'm not into anime. It's like a disease... a bad disease." "In spite of all the good things I've seen," Malachite replied, "it's hard to disagree with that." He then repeated his statement to Zoisite. She nodded in approval. Raising his voice above the murmur, Jadeite asked the others, "So... how about we keep the game going?" *** "Ah, my lovely little generals," Beryl said, as she watched them rise from their seats, "This will be it. You're about to reach the end of Search for Kotori. Does that make you happy?" Zoisite's left eyebrow perked up. She said, "Well, not ecstatic... yet mildly euphoric all the same." "It's been a tolerable, though silly series," Malachite said, "I might actually miss it." He put a hand on his chin. Still wearing his grumpy expression, Nephlite said, "A true fan such as I can not tolerate such swill." "On the other hand," Jadeite said brightly, "this story is definitely one for me. It's as if I were reading the thoughts of my own soul." As Beryl struggled to keep herself from chuckling, she told them, "It's ready for you... like it or not. Come and get it, dearhearts." On finishing the statement, she placed the barrier around her throne. "You're all going to suffer with me," Nephlite said. He grabbed Jadeite by the collar, and dragged him toward the door. The two lovers shrugged. With no other option available, they followed him. -- Door sequence: #6: A shower of ice crystals. #5: An elevator door, opening to nothing but blackness. #4: A prison gate, barred by thick chains. Falls apart. #3: A waterfall. The camera pans outwards. #2: A television screen, which sizzles and explodes. #1: A highway leading down to HELL! -- [The generals take their seats.] >Title: > The Search for Kotori Part 3 >Author: > agent56 >Censor: > G >Rating: > 0.00 Reviewed by 0 readers > > >If anyone has any comments or questions on this story or >series please ZOISITE: --go away. NEPHLITE: [whisper] She's feeling much too well. > feel free to contact me at >agent__56@hotmail.com >NOTE:This happens before the X movie, before NEPHLITE: Before he gains his sakura attack. MALACHITE: He gains Sakura? NEPHLITE: Ha, ha. You're real funny. MALACHITE: I know. Besides, she'll soon be Niki. NEPHLITE: Not if I can help it. Sakura! MALACHITE: Niki! JADEITE: Hoo boy... > Kamui >leaves. >========================================================= >============= >X/Pokemon Crossover No.1 The >Search for Kotori Written by agent56 Part 3 >========================================================= >============= > >"Arrggghhh...Get them!" Team Rocket ran off behind the >big boulder while Kamui kicked at the dust. "If they've >harmed Kotori one bit-" MALACHITE: There won't be *anything* left. NEPHLITE: Like I said, it's Sakura! MALACHITE: *Shut up,* fanboy! > >"Hold on. When you said her name they had no idea what >you were talking about, they might not have her." ZOISITE: The search goes on... and on... and on... > >"No. They do, I know. Not let's follow them." > >"Ok. But if we get in any more trouble-" "Just move." >The three started a light jog in the direction of Team >Rockets retreat. Pikachu quickly broke into a sweat, JADEITE: I can sympathise. He had to draw Jupiter in the buff several hundred times. >panting with every breath. When they rounded he corner >Team Rocket was no where to be seen. > >"Darn! Where'd they go. I can't believe them. Who are >they anyway?" MALACHITE: Jessie... James... NEPHLITE: It's Sakura. MALACHITE: *Get over it!* > >"Team Rocket. There annoying, Jesse and James used to >be in a bike gang." JADEITE: Their function? Doormats. > >"Wow! They rode motorcycles?" > >"No, bicycles." > >"A bicycle gang?" ZOISITE: Oh, Kamui... how could you be so stupid? > >"Yup." > >"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I can't believe it. >That's probably how they got away so quick, with bikes." > >"Well I don't know that for sure, but what I do know >is that they always show up at just the wrong time. NEPHLITE: That is, every episode or two. MALACHITE: "It's Sakura, Malachite." NEPHLITE: Don't *you* start! MALACHITE: Why not? You started it. ZOISITE: Just stop it. Now. >Don't worry, they're harmless." > >"I'm not worrying for my safety, I'm worrying for >Kotori's. If they've hurt her I'll-" > >"Okay, I get the point. You've said it enough times. >Now let's go find her and make sure she isn't hurt." > >"Pika-chu-pika." > >"Yeah, let's go." JADEITE: What is it, Pikachu? Did Timmy fall down a well? > >Then Kamui led the way down another bouldery path >with Ash and Pikachu in his arms not far behind. As they >walked further and further and searched for those >annoying Team Rocket members longer and longer they >got more tired and tired as the time went by. MALACHITE: You must remember this. ZOISITE: A kiss is still a kiss. [They do exactly that.] JADEITE: The pain... > Finally >they thought they caught a glimpse of red-hair running >behind a waterfall. NEPHLITE: Don't worry, it's just girl-type Ranma. > >"That's her! That's James!" shouted Kamui, angrily. > >"No, that's Jesse. James is the guy." ALL: How can you tell? > >"OH. Whatever. Let's get em." They then broke into a >run and crossed the waterfall. As they went through Ash >directed Pikachu's head into the incoming water by >mistake. JADEITE: Not good. You know the rules: never get one wet, never feed them after midnight. > Pikachu jumped in the air and was very >annoyed, but looked quite amusing with wet poofy >hair. ZOISITE: Kawaii! MALACHITE: [whisper] Anime really is a disease... > >"Pika-PIKA-chu!" > >"Sorry Pikachu, I forgot I was carrying you." > >"hmmphh." Pikachu then went into a puffy face. Ash >saw Kamui angrily speed up, ZOISITE: No appreciation of cuteness. NEPHLITE: [whisper] What is cuteness to a true fan? > then his arm went forward >and he grabbed someone. > >"Hey you pervert! Let go!" MALACHITE: Jessie, or James? You decide. > As Ash turned one of the >corners from the back of the water fall he started >to recognize the face. > >"MISTY?" MALACHITE: What was she doing behind the waterfall? ZOISITE: Don't think about it. JADEITE: [whisper] Too late. > >"ASH? Do you know this pervert?" She then grabbed >Kamui's arm and threw it off of hers. > >"Yes. He thought you were Jesse." JADEITE: Ventura? > >"WHAT? That makes me even angrier." > >"Sorry. I'm Kamui, and I'm not a pervert. I'm looking >for Team Rocket, I think they've kidnapped my friend >and-" Misty interrupted. > >"Rocket, I just saw them run by, you can probably >catch up if you hurry." ZOISITE: Gotta catch 'em all. > >"Okay lets go!" Kamui then started running again. > >"Ash, what's going on anyway?" > >"I'll tell you on the way." > >Then as Ash and Misty started to run behind Kamui he >told her the whole story. ZOISITE: [childish] I'll tell you the whole story! > And just as he's finished >they all caught up to Team Rocket just as they were >running into a cave. > >"Alright, they'll be trapped in her!" Kamui again went >running in with Ash and Misty behind. MALACHITE: [Kamui] God made me fast... and when I run, I feel his pleasure. > >"Geez!" said Misty, "I've had enough of those guys, >I'm gonna give them a piece of my mind!" NEPHLITE: Along with a [singing] piece of love... JADEITE: [whisper] Maybe he's over it now. MALACHITE: [whisper] Doubt it. > >As they entered the cave it was very dark and in the >middle was a young, pretty girl sitting on a big rock >with a cloth tied in her mouth, but Rocket were no >where to be seen. Ash and Misty knew right away that >this was Kotori. > >"KOTORI!!!" Kamui started towards her, she tried to >call back but her mouth was taped shut, ZOISITE: [Kotori] MMMPHHH! MMMMMPPPPHHHHH! JADEITE: Great, now they've turned her into Kenny. > then as he got >closer he noticed the alarm on her face and realized >she was shaking her head. > >"KAMUI! It's a trap!", said Ash. NEPHLITE: Too late. > >Ash ran forward to knock Kamui out of the way but it >was too late, NEPHLITE: Am I good or what? MALACHITE: "It's Sakura, lover-boy." NEPHLITE: This time, *YOU be quiet!* > just before he reached him a big cage >came crashing down on Kamui, trapping him. Then Team >Rocket jumped out from behind the big rock, with Meowth >not too far behind. > >"He he he. Look's like we've got you where we want you, ZOISITE: [singing] Got you where I want you... JADEITE: I got you babe-- MALACHITE: Same to you, pal. *Shut up!* >so we'll return Misty if you just-" Jesse was cut off >mid-sentence. > >"What are you talking about, I'm right here!" said Misty. > >"What? You're Misty? Then...who is?" NEPHLITE: [Jessie] James, I warned you about these crossovers! > they were really >confused now. > >"That's Kotori! And if you don't let her go I'm going >to have to beat you so hard that I'll-" Kamui then >searched deep inside himself for his inner power ZOISITE: Well... that's one way to put it. MALACHITE: The upcoming TV show *will* do it better. I'm sure of it. >he then with a big yell threw his arms out and made the >cage was in fly to pieces. > >"Whoa! Okay we'll give her back! Just don't hurt us >PLEASE!" Team Rocket then went and untied Kotori. > >"I told you morons that my name wasn't Misty!" NEPHLITE: Of course not. That sounds more like Akane Tendo. MALACHITE: I should come up with a drinking game for this. > Kotori >ran back to Kamui and he gave her a big hug. > >"Kotori, did they hurt you?" > >"No Kamui-chan, ZOISITE: That was sudden. MALACHITE: Yeah. Just don't use the word "kawaii" again. ZOISITE: Why not? MALACHITE: Uh... nothing... I don't have any subconscious memories... NEPHLITE: Ha! > I am okay." Kamui and Kotori walked >off to the entrance of the cave and sat down together >while waiting for Ash, Misty and Pikachu. > >"So...I guess we'll get going now." JADEITE: Yeah. You do that. > Team Rocket started >to walk off. > >"STOP! I have a question for you first, why did you want >to kidnap Misty in the first place?" Team Rocket stopped >dead NEPHLITE: About time, too. > in their tracks and were quite confused. JADEITE: They just read "Though We Tremble." > >"Well...we...kind of...uh?" Jesse or James couldn't >answer the question. > >"We thought if we kidnapped Misty we could trade her for >your Pokemon." Meowth explained. ZOISITE: Uh-huh. Just stuff her in a Poke-ball. MALACHITE: I wonder if that would work? ZOISITE: Don't go there, or you're going down. > >"Oh Meowth, why did you have to tell! Now he's going to >have to beat us up!!!" NEPHLITE: Run to the hills! Hotaru's angry again. > >"No I won't." said Ash, "I'm going to let you go." > >"You are??? Wooo whoo! Let's go guess." The three of >them started to bound off, ZOISITE: Huh? NEPHLITE: "Bound off." That sounds like a poor euphemism. >but as they got to the caves entrance James >tripped over Kotori's leg and fell flat on his face. MALACHITE: Kotori is used as a prop. Take two sips. > >"You idiot!!!" shouted Kamui. "Are you okay Kotori?" > >"Well I kind of got a little cut on my knee here-" NEPHLITE: [Kamui] I promised Kotori she would never get hurt... ZOISITE: That means he gets to blow up something. > >"Is it bleeding?" asked Kamui angrily. > >"Yes. JADEITE: Sam Peckinpah's X/1999. > >Kamui then started to growl. Team Rocket then slowly >tip-toed backwards but they were too slow, Kamui gave >one big swing with his MALACHITE: --dog spirit. > arm and sent all of Team Rocket >flying into the air. ZOISITE: I thought that only worked on Ranma. JADEITE: I guess we could be wrong... > >"LOOKS LIKE TEAM ROCKET'S FLYING OFF >AGGGAAAIIIINNNNN!!!!!" Then they were gone. NEPHLITE: Good riddance, too. ZOISITE: But they just got their appearance fee! > >"You know guys." said Misty, "Next time we meet them we >should tell them that that line is the most annoying >line in the world!" NEPHLITE: Better yet, tell the producers. > >"Yeah well, I don't think we'll be seeing them for a >while." finished Ash. > >"My friends" started Kamui, "I thank-you deeply for your >help, especially you Pikachu!" JADEITE: Even though he disappeared five pages ago. > >"PIKA!" MALACHITE: Maybe not. JADEITE: Then what was he doing? NEPHLITE: Avoiding herds of Kangaskans. > >"Well we should get going now." said Ash. > >"Yes us too, I need to talk to you Kotori." told Kamui. > >"Wait Kamui-chan, Can't we let our friends come back >and eat with us, ZOISITE: Bad idea. Have you seen Misty at the table? > we owe them something, don't we?" >asked Kotori. > >"Okay. Would you like to come?" Kamui asked them. > >"Well we kind of-" Ash was cut off mid-sentence. NEPHLITE: [Pikachu, irate] piKA!! > >"PIIIIKKKKAAAAA!!!!" Pikachu was really hyper at the >sound of food. MALACHITE: You called it that time, Nephlite. NEPHLITE: So I did. ZOISITE: [whisper] Not the argument again... > >"Okay we'll go." > >And then as the sun started to set JADEITE: Isn't Japan the land of the rising sun? > the five friends >walked back to town, only to face more fun, frolic and >unpredictable adventure. MALACHITE: Another day, another adventure. >======================================================== >============== >Did you like that? Well if you did then keep your eyes >open for more fan fiction stories at agent56's Anime Page. >THANK-YOU FOR READING!!! ALL: Do itashimashite! > For the latest news on X, Pokemon >and Evangelion check out >http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Campus/5956/ >anime.html > >Rate Story NEPHLITE: Well, you all know what I think. MALACHITE: Let me guess... evil? NEPHLITE: Very much so. OTHERS: But we *are* evil. NEPHLITE: Go away and leave me alone! [Zoisite, Malachite, and Jadeite leave the theater. The other one trails behind.] -- "We only have a few minutes before *she* decides," Jadeite said, "Quick, guys... what do you want to see next?" Malachite smacked his open palm with a fist. "I still can't believe that Beryl is giving us a choice on this. Since we have it, though--we'd better take it!" His lover put an arm around his shoulder. "Well said. As for the actual decision, though," Zoisite said, "I'd like to read something by Jon Carp. I've heard so much about that author, but I've never had to chance to investigate his works." "Don't know much about him," Malachite replied, "The online person who I admire most is K'thardin. Maybe you've heard of him. He's a serious Tenchi and Dragonball fan. His main work includes a lemon chapter." Right as Zoisite slapped her beloved, Jadeite spoke up. He said, "I really don't have much say in this, do I? But speaking of Dragonball... I've always wondered what it is--" Nephlite now took the opportunity to hit his fellow general. "Trust me on this," he mumbled, "You *really* don't want to know." His expression was as dour as before. "I take it, then, that it is like slow torture?" Jadeite asked. On the second phrase, he used the most silly voice he could muster. "Yes," Nephlite gruffly replied, "Well, if you ask me, anything by Mark Page would be fine. His writings are all sick, twisted, and messy. That's my style." Zoisite glanced at Malachite--her eyes wide open. "He's *really* dark today," he said softly. "I noticed," Malachite replied. He then walked over to Beryl's throne, which was still blocked by a wall of energy beams. "Oh great Queen Beryl-sama," he called out to her, "We, your humble servants, have something to say to you." There was a minute's pause. From inside her sanctuary, the queen told them, "Go away. I'm busy." Nephlite grimaced. "Oh, crap," he said, "she's using her computer." -- TO BE CONTINUED in a fic to be named later. Thank you! Send any and all comments/criticism my way. -Alan October 12, 1999 e-mail: ChrOtaku@xoommail.com Anime writings: fanficoutlet.tripod.com Elfquest spoofs: eq_addiction.tripod.com Copyrights, of course, revert back to the owners. I'm not an owner.