--Alan -- Nega-Hell 11.2. Risking another Super Saiyajin level... ########################################### MST: Continuations of the Shijintenchisho CHAOS, part 2 Nega-Hell 11.2 Treatment by Alan Original by Akira Sazanami ########################################### The generals marched through the doors, and looked up to Beryl's throne. However, the queen was not on it. Someone else was. "H-hello, miss," Malachite said as he bowed down, "C-can we help you?" Though Zoisite was glaring down at him, and though the other two generals were frozen in place, the woman on the throne stood up. Her hair was a shade between blue and turquoise, her build was tall and slim, and her outfit was a long purple robe worn over a standard Sailor battle uniform. She told the generals, "No, you can not help me. I have everything I need now--which would be even *more* money and beauty." Jadeite frowned. After considering the situation, he whispered to Zoisite, "I think she's an evil version of Sailorneptune." "Good guess," Neptune replied, "Ah... but I am not wholly evil. Just because one has been paid by Villains Unlimited is a meaningless qualification." She took the moment to pose and smile. Meanwhile, Malachite rose to his feet. "Just curious, Lady Neptune... what have you done with Beryl?" he asked. Neptune didn't even bother talking to him. She just pointed behind her. The generals looked, and they saw the queen strapped to a chair, trying to press the keys on her laptop. Solemnly, Nephlite nodded. "Revenge," he said. "No, just for fun," Neptune replied. The four generals exchanged glances. "Uh-oh..." Jadeite whispered. *** "So there I was, just enjoying life as a wonderfully beautiful, rich woman, when guess what happens?" Michiru said, as she sat on the couch, "I just get drawn into an alternate dimension. If that isn't a stock plot twist, I don't know what is." Zoisite slowly nodded. "Tell us about it!" Looking over the generals, who sat on the chairs taken from the throne room, Michiru continued, "Villains Unlimited seems to be a sufficiently twisted organization. When the job application includes 'Have you ever written an article for Geocities?', you know something's seriously wrong with them." Nervously, Nephlite checked his watch. "By now," he muttered, "Beryl's probably escaped from the ropes." "Not likely!" Michiru said with a wink, "I'm *quite* good when it comes to getting others in a bind." She paused a second, and added, "Of course, you won't understand what I mean by that." All four nodded in agreement. "Good," the temp said, "So, are you off to work now?" She said the last word with a disdainful sigh. Malachite stood up. He told her, "It's what we do." "Well, good luck. I'll be waiting," Michiru said, "Oh... do you mind if I experiment with your television?" As she walked out the door, Zoisite said, "No." -- Door sequence: #6: A shower of ice crystals. #5: An elevator door, opening to nothing but blackness. #4: A prison gate, barred by thick chains. Falls apart. #3: A waterfall. The camera pans outwards. #2: A television screen, which sizzles and explodes. #1: A highway leading down to HELL! -- [The five enter the small theater. The seating order is no different! From left to right: Jadeite, Malachite, Zoisite, and Nephlite.] MALACHITE: This should be amusing. NEPHLITE: Isn't it always? MALACHITE: Of course. ZOISITE: What is today's film? [pause] NEPHLITE: I have no idea. [pause] NEPHLITE: But it's probably the same one as last time. ZOISITE: Thank you so much. > Home ? JustIn | Discussion Forum | Author Directory | >Chat | Links | BannerXchange | Help Desk > > > > > > > > > JADEITE: Just filling a little space here... >Title: > Continuations of the Shijintenchisho CHAOS! Ch. 2 ZOISITE: Chaos in the Fushigi universe? Nothing unusual there. NEPHLITE: Nope, no unusual happenings. Pay no attention to the flying saucers. >Author: > Akira Sazanami >Censor: > PG >Reviews: > 0 > > ZOISITE: [deep] And now... back to our show! >Yamiko stopped jumping up and down. "Whaddya mean NO?!" > >The bandits took their swords out of their sheathes [Malachite cracks up.] JADEITE: I am not even going to _touch_ that. >and pointed the blades towards her neck, stomach, and back. >"You're goin' to Eiken." > >Yamiko froze. MALACHITE: Somebody turn up the heater! > She couldn't work her magic on all of them, and if she >could, she was too scared. Damnit.. "W-who's he?" >Damn, I'm in trouble now. They could kill me anytime they want... NEPHLITE: A girl in trouble... JADEITE: Isn't that a temporary thing? ZOISITE: [sassy] Anytime you want... you got it! > >"You shoulda listened to that girl you were with." > >Akira. ZOISITE: If a giant teddy bear shows up, I won't be happy. MALACHITE: What about Kaneda? ZOISITE: I can handle that. > Yamiko lowered her head guiltily, her eyes covered by her >hair. The events swirled back into her mind. NEPHLITE: [Yamiko] The time our team scored a touchdown... JADEITE: [same] The beef bowl shop in Tomobiki... MALACHITE: [same] Wearing the dress you gave me on the anniversary of our first date... > >*SLAP* That action that could only be defined as a slap to Akira, >was a ZOISITE: --giant hamster! JADEITE: Huh? > nearly a death blow to Yamiko. > >"C'mon, move it girlie!" one of the bandits said, pushing the blade >closer to her neck. She looked up, and in front of her. MALACHITE: In front of her... NEPHLITE: Well, there's a huge sword. Does that help? > *** > >Akira hovered over the bandits and Yamiko. JADEITE: What a show-off! > She folded her arms >and smirked. "So, I wonder if Genrou will come out." Akira looked >evil the way she was floating undetected. Especially at night. MALACHITE: Especially under the blood red moon and the Death Star and the Second Impact comet and the... JADEITE: I take it she lives among the creatures of the night. > >"Ah well..." > >In front of Yamiko, was a young man, in his early 20's, with bluish >hair. NEPHLITE: Uh-oh... ZOISITE: If this is the Fushigi universe, it could be Chichiri. NEPHLITE: That would be amusing. > Akira dove down into the bushes to hear what >conversation they were making. > >"Hey Kouji, we found a girl in our territory. JADEITE: Maybe you could go out with her! NEPHLITE: ... > Weird clothes too." > >Akira squinted her eyes. So that's Kouji... cuuuutie... > >Yamiko, stared at the FINE guy ZOISITE: Why, he's more than cute! He's FINE. NEPHLITE: Hmmmm... That sounds like an acronym. > in front of her. She could barely speak. >Her eyes turned into hearts. Oh... wow... MALACHITE: I've seen that all too often. JADEITE: At least she didn't do it in front of us. MALACHITE: Um... hello, Jadeite? Are you blind? > >Kouji smirked and walked around her. Examining her. "She's a good catch. JADEITE: [evil] Good. Our first catch of the day. ZOISITE: Catch me catch you! >Looks harmless though. Any valuables?" > >Yamiko was still staring at him with heart-shaped eyes. Wow, this guy is >sooooo bishonen... All thoughts of Akira was lost as she stared at >Kouji. Or maybe, all thoughts were lost. ZOISITE: Just you wait. He's a huge security risk-- NEPHLITE: That's *Kaji*. > >Akira sweatdropped. Aw, hell. Not again. > >"Valuables? Hey girl, give your stuff to Kouji." one of the bandits >ordered. > >Yamiko, who still couldn't speak, silently shoved her backpack to >Kouji. JADEITE: Careful. Those things are heavy. MALACHITE: [Kouji] I noticed you were staggering a bit... > "Anything..." she said in a trance. > >Kouji caught the backpack, blinking. Geez, is she weird.... Then he >tried opening it. "Hey, what's your name, girl?" He then motioned to >the bandits. "Get Eiken. This girl seems harmless." MALACHITE: Compared to _Akira the Super-Saiyajin_! ZOISITE: It could be worse. MALACHITE: How? ZOISITE: She could be a Sanjiyan. > He whispered. The >bandits went to summon the big, fat lump. > >"Y-y-yamiko...." she managed to stutter that out. > >"Well, uh, Yamiko, what were you doing here?" Kouji asked. Weird. Really >weird. I hope Genrou comes back soon. JADEITE: [Kouji] Help me.. help me... > He tried to rip the unidentified >package she handed to him open. It wouldn't budge. What the hell is >this? Some kind of trap thingy? > >Akira was trying not to laugh. NEPHLITE: [Akira] I'm sorry.... [chuckle] But it was _really_ funny... [more laughter] ZOISITE: At least it isn't Akira Ilyujin. > Yamiko had fallen HARD for another guy. >I wonder when I should 'rescue her'? > >"Nothing... just hoping to uh... find a safe camp." She said, getting >her speech back. > >"Oh, well you can stay here. Without leader." ZOISITE: Huh? JADEITE: Without *our* leader. MALACHITE: Thank you. > Kouji answered, grinning >at her. He tried prying the zipper off. It didn't work. > >Yamiko was nearly drooling. "Is your leader as cute as you are?" She >took a step towards him. > >Kouji smirked and put his hand through his hair. NEPHLITE: [Kouji] I am so smooth. ZOISITE: Careful with the copyright infringement... > Yamiko sighed. He >looks so cute.... MALACHITE: No-one had better make a Jupiter reference. JADEITE: Even I know better than that. > *sigh* "Maybe. But I doubt it." Kouji >decided to leave the backpack alone and take it with him to figure out >later. > >"Waaaaiii! May I stay in your camp?!" MALACHITE: [Yamiko] Oh pleasepleaseplease? I'd be so happy... NEPHLITE: That's it. Tomorrow I'll start the Yamiko Fan Club. > Yamiko pleaded. I'll be in heaven >if the guys are as fine as you... > >Kouji sweatdropped. Geez, this girl'll do anything to stay. JADEITE: He'll even leave the light on for you! >Ah well.. I hate to do this... "Well, of course. With... Eiken." NEPHLITE: Eiken! ZOISITE: Huh? NEPHLITE: Sorry. It just sounded pretentious. > >Yamiko was disappointed, to say the least. > >Akira stayed quiet. She IS desperate. Then tried not to burst out >laughing. Eiken was the big fat ugly guy. NOT a person you'd want to >look at, let alone, stay with. MALACHITE: Let alone, break the sentence. ZOISITE: Well, if you're into sumo wrestling... > >Kouji patted her head. "Don't worry, I'll stay with you for a while." JADEITE: [Kouji] By the way, I _am_ Tamahome. What do you think now? >He touched me!!! Yamiko was ready to melt. She walked in a dream-like >state into the room. She lost sense of everything.. > >Finally, Eiken came into view. NEPHLITE: Target sighted. > "KOUJI, what the hell are you doing?! >Why isn't this girl in my quarters?!" he roared at Kouji. > >Kouji seemed untouched by his orders. "You're not the REAL leader." ZOISITE: [Kouji] My *real* boss is pathetic and incompetent. JADEITE: When "Dilbert" becomes real. > >Yamiko took her glued eyes off Kouji and onto Eiken. THIS IS >EIKEN?!?! Damnit, I'd rather stay with Akira! WAAA! Kowaiiii! > >Akira nearly laughed out loud. Eiken looked worse in real life! NEPHLITE: [Akira] He's hideous! It's so funny! ZOISITE: [Yamiko] I can not abide ugliness... >She had teardrops on the side of her eyes. Haha! That's your Eiken, >Yamiko! > >"Don't give me any lip, boy." Eiken growled. He took out the tessen >and put it's edge on Kouji's chin. "Or else." MALACHITE: The dreaded _metal fan_! JADEITE: Michiru and the comfy couch. > >Kouji glared at him. Yamiko was scared now. I hafta stay with HIM?! >NOOOO! Eiken pushed Yamiko into his quarters and shut the door. > >Kouji hid into the bushes. JADEITE: Bad time for that, Kouji. > He hated being ordered around, >especially by that oaf, Eiken. Genrou, where the fuck are you? MALACHITE: Tasuki's at it again. > >Akira kept a close eye on Kouji, and tried not to make any noise. She >wondered what would happen next. > >"A-a-a-are you really Eiken?" asked Yamiko, with fear in her voice. >HEY! He isn't cute at all! ZOISITE: [Yamiko] I demand cuteness! MALACHITE: Looks like someone else liked Clamp School. > And I'm supposed to STAY with >HIM!?!?! > >"Yes we're gonna have fun now. You look nice." > >"Fun?!?! WITH YOU?!" NEPHLITE: [Yamiko] I will not play pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey with you! >Yamiko was panicking to say the least. She went bug-eyed as she stared >at the fat lump in front of her. > >"C'mon baby!" MALACHITE: [Eiken] Oh baby baby baby... I'm fat and you're so-- ZOISITE: Don't. > Eiken then started to walk towards her. Yamiko ran to >the wall, finding no other way out. Eiken was blocking the only way out. >Yamiko screamed. > > *** > >Hearing Yamiko's screams, Akira grinned. Serves her right. JADEITE: [Akira] Revenge! Ha ha ha... MALACHITE: The level of intelligence is dropping fast. >She could take care of him. I wonder how long it'll take her to >realize that she needs to be CALM to do her magic... ZOISITE: What the... > >Kouji grit his teeth. He couldn't just ignore the girl's screams of >help. But Eiken had the tessen, and with the tessen, he could command. NEPHLITE: He could... be... Picard. >He tried to block out what was happening. > >A few seconds later, Akira was feeling guilty. Ok, I guess she hasn't >figured it out yet. Akira, not caring if Kouji heard her or not, stood >up and and ran towards the building which held Yamiko and Eiken. She >kept running until a blue aura MALACHITE: Saiyajin. ZOISITE: Super-Saiyajin. > engulfed her and rammed into the door. >Which then split into pieces. NEPHLITE: Doesn't Nakago have one of those? > >Kouji looked on, shocked. Some girl runs, turns into some sort of >fireball and blows the door off its hinges. Great. JADEITE: Don't even mention Lina Inverse. ZOISITE: Of course not. JADEITE: Not that I know who that is, of course. >After getting over his shock, he ran towards her. > >Seeing Yamiko with part of her dress ripped shorter, Akira was NOT >happy. "HAAAA..." Akira cupped her hands at her side. NEPHLITE: I'm not gonna say it. > >Yamiko was shocked. "A-akira!" > >Akira formed a blue orb in her hands. Eiken stood shocked. Akira >smirked and the orb disappeared. MALACHITE: It's right then that Gourry hits the ground, screaming about the fireball... [The others sigh.] >"Yamiko no bakayarou. I thought you could take care of yourself." Akira >grinned. "Miss me?" > >Kouji watched the show, bug eyed. ZOISITE: [Kouji] Ashitaka, how many heads are you gonna cut off? > >She found herself attached to Yamiko. "Yamiko?" > >"Kira..." Yamiko sobbed. "He almost touched me! I was scared!! So >scared!" MALACHITE: Been there, done that. > >"Aww, it's ok Yami-chan." Akira said soothingly and patted her head. "I >wouldn't let a lump like that touch you." NEPHLITE: [Akira] But if he was really hot... > >Kouji stepped in front of the two girls. "Eiken, you bastard. You tried >to rape her?!" > >"Hey Yamiko, who's the cute guy?" > >"Shut up!" Kouji and Yamiko shouted. JADEITE: Hey, they insulted Akira. MALACHITE: Did they? JADEITE: I think... > >Eiken immediately got over his shock and grabbed the tessen. "What the >HELL Kouji?!" Eiken then looked at Akira. "Hey..." > >Akira saw the way he was looking at her. "DON'T get any ideas, baka!" ZOISITE: [Akira] Drop the tessen or she gets it! Bwa ha ha! >She then cupped her hands again. Teleporting from Yamiko's grip and to >Eiken's back, she had a blue orb with blue mist surrounding it. With >that, Eiken slowly turned around. And yelled. > >Akira smiled. The 'ball' grew bigger and bigger, with the swirls >spinning faster and faster. MALACHITE: Wasn't this a level in Battletoads? > Everything was engulfed in a >bright blue light, which would blind anyone who stared right at it. As >the mist swirled, Akira simply glowed with the ki (energy). JADEITE: Unlike any other type of ki. ZOISITE: Would that be blood energy? > >The fat lump covered his eyes, helpless. Akira's hair blew in the mist >and the orb started crackling with electricity. Confident, she motioned >at Yamiko to move. MALACHITE: After all, you wouldn't want to get caught in a [beat] Dragon Slave!! > >Kouji covered his eyes. Shimatta! What's happening?! Yamiko dove behind >Kouji, knowing very well what was happening. > > >Thrusting her arms forward, a HUGE beam, as high as the ceiling, shot >forward out of Akira's orb, blasting Eiken into the nearest >(with some pieces of the wall), where he lay unmoving. JADEITE: [Eiken] Ugh, I'm dead. NEPHLITE: We're slipping into Vampire Hunter D... >The blue light faded from the room, leaving a gaping Kouji and a Yamiko >brushing herself off. > >Akira got out of her stance, and jumped up and down. "Pyon! Ha! I saved >you Yamiko!" MALACHITE: [Kouji] Yeah, but look at the village! ZOISITE: [Akira] Ah... he he he... NEPHLITE: How dull. > >"He-he- ripped my dress! AARGH!" Yamiko was now more angry than scared. >Yamiko stomped off to where Eiken lay unconcious. Poking him with her >foot, she made sure he STAYED that way. JADEITE: Ouch. > >Kouji was staring at Akira. "What?" Akira asked innocently. > >"Let me get this straight. A little girl, stomps into Leikaku territory, >undetected, turns into some blue fireball and blows a >door into pieces. That little girl is fine. No scratches or injuries. >And yet, she makes this weird motions with her arms, >makes some blue ball appear to grow bigger and bigger, then she starts >glowing blue, then... then...then *it* turns into >some big... blast that sends fat ass Eiken into a tree, or now a broken >tree, unconcious. YOU are asking *ME* 'what'?!" >Kouji looked VERY confused. ALL: Agreed! >"I'm NOT a little girl! I have a name ya know! MALACHITE: Lina. NEPHLITE: Akane. ZOISITE: Chichi. JADEITE: Goddess. >That 'ball' is ki. I'm a saiyajin. I can kick anyone's ass in two >seconds if I wanted to. Except others saiyajins. Anyway, I don't trust >people much, bye." Akira walked calmly towards Yamiko. > >Kouji was bewildered, flustered and confused. "Chotto, matte*!" JADEITE: Why the asterisk? NEPHLITE: Because it _really_ means "I spit on your zither." >He ran to catch up with Akira. "You expect me to believe that?" > >Akira stopped abruptly. "No." ZOISITE: I'm shocked. MALACHITE: I don't know what to say... > >Kouji glared at her. "Well?! Don't I deserve an explanation?!" He >grabbed her shoulders and shook her violently. "Don't I?!" > >Her small frame was barely weak. Akira looked at him with the calmest >eyes possible. "I already gave you one. C'mon Yamiko, let's go." JADEITE: Naptime for Akira. > >Kouji glared at her. "Hmmph. Just some super-powered tomboy chick, huh?" ZOISITE: [Akira] Kouji, you JERK!! > >Ignoring the remark, Akira looked at Yamiko. Yamiko was busily 'taking >out her frustrations' on the fat lump. JADEITE: Double ouch. MALACHITE: Don't kick 'em when they're down! > >"YAMIKO!" she yelled. > >"Coming!" Yamiko replied, cheerfully running back to her friend (and >hunk). > >"Look, ya can't just expect to escape outta here like this." Kouji >pointed out. MALACHITE: Dragon Slave, blah blah blah. NEPHLITE: This just goes in circles, doesn't it? > >"Why NOT?!" asked the ever-aggressive Akira. > >"Just because you beat Eiken doesn't mean you get to escape." Bandits >suddenly surrounded all of them. ZOISITE: And here comes Kenshin to kick all their-- JADEITE: Ahem. > >The fat lump stirred. "Urrgh..." > >Akira sighed and picked up Yamiko, placing her on her shoulder. > >"AKIRA?! Na ni?! Put me down!" Yamiko kicked and struggled. But she >couldn't get out of Akira's fierce grip. MALACHITE: [Yamiko] So... strong... can't hold out... ugh. > >"It's time we left, let's go." Kouji answered. > >"Since when did WE invite you along?!" Akira glared at Kouji. I do NOT >want to keep spare luggage around. > >"Since they want us all DEAD!" screamed Yamiko. NEPHLITE: Enemies one season, allies the next. >The bandits came closer with their swords drawn. > >Eiken, now standing, started giving orders. He grabbed the tessen. "Kill >them! Kill them ALL! Or I'll kill ALL OF YOU MYSELF!!!" He yelled. >Waving the fan, flames came out of it like thin air. ZOISITE: No Tasuki jokes. MALACHITE: Too obvious. >The flames were so intense, they lit up the night sky. > >"Let's GO!" Akira yelled, not caring if Kouji came or not. Oh well, >he'll be useful. He knows Genrou and this territory. She >grabbed Kouji's wrist. "Hold tight, OK?!" NEPHLITE: What was I saying about allies? JADEITE: Go figure. > >"What the fuck are you doing?!" Kouji shook his wrist. "Let go!" > >"Gomen ne." Akira merely said. She bent down and pushed up with her >legs. The flames were fireballing in. Akira took off into the sky like >a rocket. ZOISITE: Don't forget Meowth! Meowth! > >"DAMN YOU!" Eiken yelled. He sent another fireball into the sky. > >"Don't let go, ok?" Akira warned. She held him with both hands. NEPHLITE: Kouji is so _not_ Gourry. > >"H-h-h-hai..." Kouji stuttered. My life depends on it... > >Akira made a roll in the air, to dodge Eiken's fireball. This made >Kouji hang on for dear life. > >Yamiko fell off, purposely. "Fly Yamiko." said Akira. JADEITE: First class! > >"Levitation!" Yamiko yelled and started hovering in the air. [Malachite passes out.] > >"Wai! Good job Yamiko!" NEPHLTE: Yeah. All those Slayers jokes can kill you. JADEITE: How sad... > >"Arigato! Kouji, you ok?" > >Kouji managed a nod. ZOISITE: [Kouji] I suppose I might survive... [Malachite returns to his seat.] ZOISITE: Welcome back, dear. MALACHITE: Ouch... > >"Sumimasen, Kouji-san, you must be scared." Akira apologized. "But >I never invited you. Hmph." > >Kouji was pale. Here he was, nearly 40 ft in the air, his life in >a... Kouji looked at the girl's face. His life was in a 14 year >old girl's hands! Literally! "J-j-just don't let go..." JADEITE: I saw this on a Simpsons episode. NEPHLITE: A fourteen-year-old Super-Saiyajin spell-wielding genius. ZOISITE: She has him like a spider over a fire. > >"Of course not." Yamiko smiled and her heart eyes reappeared. >"Akira, we need to land. I'm tired and Kouji is scared." > >"Hai." They both descended into a clearing with few bushes JADEITE: What's with all the bushes in this story? MALACHITE: Dunno. Maybe it makes up for a lack of running. >and lots of trees. Setting Kouji down, the super-powered >tomboy sighed. NEPHLITE: That one description says a lot. > >"Why didn't you listen, Yamiko? Why?" > >Yamiko sat on a nearby rock and grinned. "You know my weakness for >men. Especially ones like him." She pointed at the semi-traumatized >Kouji who was now catching his breath. MALACHITE: [Yamiko] I like 'em big and stupid! [Zoisite sighs.] > >"Yamiko, I'm being serious." > >"Ok ok. I dunno, I just hate being ordered around." > >"Yeah, but it was for your own good." Akira sighed again. "Just >don't do that anymore ok? Don't scare me." JADEITE: Boo! Ha ha... ZOISITE: Don't risk _another_ Super-Saiyajin level. > >"I won't. I promise." Yamiko hugged her younger friend. Akira let >go and patted Kouji on the head. "Daijobu?" (Are you ok?) > >Kouji was shaking a bit. He looked up at her, with fear in his >eyes. "You're not going to kill me are you?" MALACHITE: [Akira] I like you, Kouji. JADEITE: [same] I'll kill you _first_. > >"Of course not! Just because I don't trust you doesn't mean I'll >kill you!" Akira smiled and patted his head. "It's ok, >you're safe now. I'm Akira, pleased to meet you Kouji-san. You're >very cute no da." ZOISITE: That's right about the time when Chichiri zapped them for copyright infringement. NEPHLITE: Someone doesn't know what "no da" means. ZOISITE: Neither does Pioneer. > >Kouji smiled. "Right. Um.. sorry... Yamiko." He guiltily looked >down. > >Yamiko blushed. "It's ok." She grinned. Akira gave him a thumbs- >up. "Besides, I know you wanted to help." > >Akira turned around to look at the sky. JADEITE: [Akira] Cool, huh? I created it. MALACHITE: Let's stop that now. > The stars were sparkling >brighter than usual. "Ne, Yamiko! It's pretty! By the >way Kouji, where are we?" > >Feeling a breeze, Akira smiled. That was fun! I wouldn't mind >staying here if it's like this! Closing her eyes, she enjoyed >the breeze some more. NEPHLITE: [Akira] The wind... it calls my name... > She cheerily turned around. "Well Yamiko? >Kouji?" > >She opened her eyes to see a fiery young man about Kouji's age, >holding a knife to Yamiko's throat. His eyes were brown and >sparkling with fierceness. Kouji was staring. "Genrou!" MALACHITE: [Kouji] The fruity guy! ZOISITE: [same] The Bowie Dude! > >After today's excitement, Akira wasn't a bit surprised. She sighed >happily. "He's Genrou?" Fiery hair color, fierce eyes, >black jacket, jewelry, cute smirk... it's Tasuki!!! JADEITE: Well, who were you expecting? NEPHLITE: His evil twin. > >Yamiko WAS NOT happy at being the hostage all the time. "Akiraaaa!" > >Akira stayed calm and put her hand on her head. "Kouji, can't you >do something?" MALACHITE: [Kouji] I can cook a mean omelet. > >Kouji nodded. "Genrou--" > >Genrou spoke. "Kouji, how could you get captured by these little >girls?" > >Aaargh, I'm NOT a little girl! JADEITE: [deep] I'm Batman. ZOISITE: [evil Miaka] I am you. > Akira glared at him, "Oh you shut >the !@$#%^*? up." MALACHITE: [Tasuki] That's my line, !@$#%^*? it! > >"Attitude. I'll see what I can do with you." Genrou smirked. > > > > > > > JADEITE: Padding! > Review Story > Title: > Continuations of the Shijintenchisho CHAOS! Ch. 2 > Censor: > PG > Name: > > Email: > (optional) > Review: NEPHLITE: Well... what do you think? ZOISITE: Fair. The story was straightforward, but all the irritating parts are still in place. MALACHITE: I'm still wondering how Akira got all her powers. NEPHLITE: I was waiting for the Fushigi cast to show up... and it seems they've fallen to the dark side. Since when does Tasuki randomly attack people? JADEITE: I can't say I understood this, but it was fun. > > > > > > Home | About Us | Awards | >Nonprofit Status | Disclaimer ZOISITE: I think that should just about do it. MALACHITE: Let's see what Michiru has planned for us... [They exit.] -- "Why is it that there's nothing good on television?" Michiru muttered to herself, as she punched the remote. The generals walked into the recreation room. "Greetings, Michiru-san," Malachite said, "Heard anything from Beryl lately?" The rich woman turned off the TV, and sat back on the couch. "Yeah. She went down to her evil laboratory, to do something. I'm not sure what, but it's probably pretty evil," she said. "Darn," Zoisite said, "Well... since you're here, would you be willing to join us the next time we go to work?" It took Michiru a moment to think about this. "Well..." she said, "I'd have to say... No." She grinned as she pronounced the last, fateful word. At that time, Malachite groaned. "We're not _that_ evil, Michiru-san," he told her. She looked him in the face, and said, "I know!" Immediately, Malachite collapsed. Zoisite caught him in her arms. From behind them, the other generals looked on in shock. "To be continued..." they whispered. -- TO BE CONTINUED in a special episode... "Continuations" chapter 3 / "Return of Malachite and Zoisite" -Alan February 11, 2000 e-mail: ChrOtaku@xoommail.com Anime humor: members.xoom.com/ChrOtaku Nega-Hell: fanficoutlet.tripod.com/negahell Elfquest spoofs: eq_addiction.tripod.com "Sailor Moon," and everything associated with it, is copyright 1992-7 Naoko Takeuchi, Bandai, Kodansha Comics, DiC, Buena Vista, Mixx, Pioneer, and others. "Fushigi Yuugi: The Mysterious Play" is copyright 1992- 2000 Yuu Watase, Viz, Pioneer, Flower Comics, and others. The idea of "Mystery Science Theater 3000" is copyright 1989-99 Best Brains, Inc. Feel free to distribute this fanfic/MSTing, but please don't remove my name from it, and don't try to make money off it. Stinger #1: >"We're just stuck in another world. FY to be specific! Geez, and we >know a little bit about what's gonna happen! Stinger #2: >"Let me get this straight. A little girl, stomps into Leikaku territory, >undetected, turns into some blue fireball and blows a >door into pieces. That little girl is fine. No scratches or injuries. >And yet, she makes this weird motions with her arms, >makes some blue ball appear to grow bigger and bigger, then she starts >glowing blue, then... then...then *it* turns into >some big... blast that sends fat ass Eiken into a tree, or now a broken >tree, unconcious. YOU are asking *ME* 'what'?!" "So which one's really better -- wolves in sheep's clothing, or wolves who look like wolves?"