What was New

October 21, 1999: Funny how my MSTings are becoming more frequent--and often more interesting-- than my regular fics... Anyway, the 3rd story in the Nega-Hell series is now complete. It's a Slayers fic, roughly based on the TV series. It's called "Party Crazied," and I've posted it in two parts. Check out both one and two. Otherwise, the fic is categorized under "Various" and "Spoof."

More updates this weekend. I'm nearly drowning in homework, so don't push me too far. (ha ha...)

October 13, 1999: "Search for Kotori" concludes with chapter 3. Read it and laugh!

In the near future, I plan to have a list of my upcoming projects. For now, you will notice a story called "Thunder and Lightning (No Rain)" on the Pokemon page. This one is still in the works, but I hope to have it posted in the next two weeks.

Until then, I'm choosing my next Nega-Hell MST project. Wish me luck!

October 10, 1999: Last Friday, I finally finished it. The first chapter of The Charm has also been posted to ASMR for increase the audience. Now, if the update had been done on time...

Obviously, I'm joking around. I *never* get anything done on time. Anyway...

What's next? I will definitely finish Search for Kotori this week. In 7-14 days, I hope to begin the heavily- revised version of Transformation Sequence. That old, easily MSTed fic will now be re-titled "Incarnate." Finally, I'll get back to posting SM-Holygrail in the near future. I have a *lot* written, but since the fic has received no feedback whatsoever, I put it on hiatus a couple weeks back. Sorry if you didn't know... but in any event, the fic will continue.

Until next time... enjoy "The Charm"!

October 7, 1999: What did I say last time? "Halfway through next week"? Well, Fate has once more got in the way. I've been struggling to keep up with work lately. As soon as I finish a few more layout changes, I'll have to get back to the routine.

Nevertheless, I intend to finish that Moon story as soon as possible. With any luck, you could see it as early as Friday (the 8th). The title will be "The Charm," and it's a totally new take on first season NASM romance. Not to frustrate you, but it *will* be a series. I'll have to decide whether I want chapters or one-shots.

October 1, 1999: I really don't like updating. In the process of changing the layout, I accidentally left "Live This Mystery" in the dust. Not any longer! This less-than- critically-acclaimed spoof is now available.

Yes, the good Moon story is still in the works. It'll be at least halfway through next week until I have something to show. However, there'll be more good things in the next week as well. I have dreams of writing brilliant works... we'll see if I can follow through.

September 30, 1999: Just one change... The first 3 files for Sailormoon and the Holy Grail have been condensed into two. Each have three scenes. Really, it's hardly worth mentioning.

Anyway, I'm still working on my *good* Moon story. It might be a few days more, but it'll be worth it!

September 29, 1999: I said things would change a bit around here. You've probably noticed the new Fanfic Outlet page already. In the near future, the list-by-series pages will be added. There will be new graphics on the main page once I have some time to spare.

Oh, and before I forget... the MST of Search for Kotori chapter 2 is done. See it!

September 26, 1999: Surprise! I created a fic that I never thought I'd write. It's loosely based on "Fushigi Yuugi / The Mysterious Play." Entitled Live This Mystery!, it's really rather silly...

Anyway, I'll still complete the two projects listed below. Just wait a few days, and it'll happen.

September 24, 1999: Two projects will be posted next week. One: the next chapter of "Search for Kotori." From that one installment, I've already received more mail than from the entirety of "Transformation Sequence" or "Sailormoon and the Holy Grail."

Two: a well-written entry in SM fanfic. That's something I rarely do. Haven't decided what continuity to use, what it will be about, or anything... but I'm lucky. I have about five half-finished fics to choose from, and any of them could be quite good. *In any event*, you'll see the new material in the next week... by next Friday evening.

September 22, 1999: Good news! The new Tenchi fic is done. It's titled Fair Night's Longing, and it's another introspecion piece. I hope you like it, that you find it worth more than my usual self-parody writings.

In any event, I'll try to improve the layout of the Fanfic Outlet main page soon. More new stuff in a week or so.

September 19, 1999: Last time, I mentioned that there would be a follow-up to "Why Bother" in the future. Well, it's being written as you read this. Thus far untitled (likely title: "Fair Night's Longing"), it will be a short, introspective piece focusing on Ayeka. *Expect it by Wednesday, Sept. 22nd!*

September 14, 1999: Good news... my attempts at becoming a MST-creator are succeeding. The next Nega-Hell story, Search for Kotori, ch. 1 has begun! The fanfic is strange, confusing, but probably a lot more appealing than Though We Tremble...

Well, anyway, there's some very amusing host segments in this one. I plan to get my serious stories off the ground soon. Projects thus far: a follow-up to "Why Bother," a story about Raye making a mistake, a romance-oriented NASM tale, a story centering around Ranma's attempts to strengthen himself, a Fushigi Yuugi crossover, and a revised version of Transformation Sequence. *When (if?) I complete any of them, you will hear about it!*

September 9, 1999: It's done. Read Though We Tremble chapter 2. Until next week, that's all.

September 6, 1999: OK, I *didn't* post it to the site Friday. It's all my fault--I wasted my time on other, less productive, projects. But HERE it is: Sailormoon and the Holy Grail Q, scenes 0-2. Enjoy.

By this Friday (September 11), I plan to have one new offering ready. Since the new MSTing has generated some comments on a mailing list, I'll continue it. The next installment will have the "end" of Though We Tremble, and one of my other unfinished short-fics. Punishing!

September 1, 1999: Hey, more new stuff. It's only my 3rd MSTing--but this time, I've got a setting that'll actually be interesting. The four generals of Sailor Moon will help you survive the disturbing alternaverse fanfic Though We Tremble in the Night.

By Friday night, I'll be putting up one more offering. Promise.

August 27, 1999: The secret project is done. Set in the Tenchi Muyo! OAV universe, it's called Why Bother? Enjoy!

It'll be a week before the next dose of fics. But I *will* update at least once a week, and let you know what's going on. Next time, in fact, I'll be putting up the first part of SM-Grail Q and another non-spamfic (as a pleasant surprise).

August 25, 1999: Good news! I've finally posted SM-Grail installment 3 to this site. By Friday, there *will* be something new. You'll see. I promise!

August 24, 1999: Over three months after the last update... I'm very sorry for all the delays. I got off the Net for the summer, so I could concentrate on my writings. Thankfully, the hiatus wasn't wasted.

Like I said on the Welcome Page, I've got a few new offerings on the way. First off, I'm finishing the "first season" of Sailormoon and the Holy Grail. Two more episodes were posted to a discussion list, but were not posted here. That will soon be remedied. Secondly, I'm gonna put up something entirely new. Haven't yet decided what it will be-- but the fic will be enjoyable. I promise you that.

By Friday (August 27), there will be more things here. Until mid- December, there'll be one new 'fic each week. Sounds good? Thought so.


Count on all updates to be mentioned on this page.

Updates Archive 1: October 23 - November 20, 1998

Updates Archive 2: November 29 - December 17, 1998

Updates Archive 3: January 10 - February 7, 1999

Updates Archive 4: February 15 - March 5, 1999

Updates Archive 5: March 15 - April 30, 1999

Updates Archive 6: May 1999

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This is a not-for-profit fan page, and is not endorsed by any person, company, or entity mentioned within. All copyrighted material mentioned within this page is the property of its owner(s)/creator(s). This page was last updated, by John Alan Riggs, on November 3, 1999. Trying not to frustrate you...